Tuesday, September 15, 2009

99 bottles of beer on the wall....

....maybe not! But this is my 99th post! I can't believe I'm about to turn 100!! Well it could have happened sooner if I wasn't such a slacker for a few months...in a row! But it is here. And now I have to think about what I should say. Its like my acceptance speech, even though I haven't won any awards. Hopefully someone, I won't name names (ayneKay if you know pig latin), won't run up and steal the mic and knock me off my soapbox. Ha Ha! I felt so bad for little Taylor. That crazy-haired man had no right and doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut!! ARG!

So maybe I'll post about make-up....I just raided MAC and got everything for free! Or maybe I'll chit-chat about the upcoming UK vs. UofL game that I know you want to hear everything about. Or maybe I'll just throw you for a loop and discuss my love for all things shiny. Who knows...you tell me! What do you want to hear?

Have a great Tuesday...I'm off to take a test....that I haven't studied for. I blame it on work :(


  1. You can always talk about your Daddy!

  2. i was going to make a kanye related comment, but you took care of that for me. just know that your 100th post will never be as good as kanye's 100th song. :)

  3. You look far too good to be turning 100 ;)

  4. Congrats on the landmark!!! I will read anything you decide to post = )... hope your having a great day! = )

  5. I think you should do a "100 things about you" post :)

  6. Congrats on your 100 post! That's quite an accomplishment You have a very cute blog:)

  7. I love love love Mac!! And just found your blog through Llama Tales and love it -- now a new follower!

  8. I just wandered over here from Suburban Euphoria, and I'm liking your blog! I think you should post something about yourself - maybe not 100 things if that's too in depth, but something not many people know maybe? I just did a post about some of my 'quirks' and it got a lot of funny feedback...maybe something like that?

    Anyway, nice to 'meet' you :)

  9. Congrats on post #100! I am your scarf swap partner!! :) Looking forward to shopping for a scarf that you will (hopefully) love!
    Good luck on your test!



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